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Vorträge 2018

Samtags und Sonntags in Parallel mit der Austellung Sa 13:00 Going out with a ROAR – Royal Precisions RPC-4000

The RPC-4000 was launched in 1960 as the successor and big brother of the LGP-30. The manufacturer stuck with the proven formula for success, developing another compact, low cost “personal computer” based on magnetic drum memory. Too little, too late, as it turned out: While various clever design tweaks got more performance out of the magnetic drum architecture, the competitors launched new computers based on ferrite core memory at the same time. This new breed of machines left the RPC-4000 in the dust, technically and commercially. The talk will present the RPC-4000 as one of the last magnetic drum “dinosaurs”, and will briefly describe my project to resurrect this machine via an FPGA-based replica – and to locate its lost software.

Details on

Jürgen Müller Sa 14:00 SID is alive !

Andrej demonstrates the modern usage of the Commodore SID Chips. ( C64 sound interface device) A guitar controls the SID Chip i.e. the very dynamic Chiptune Sound. Recognisable but nevertheless a fresh Sound. You don´t even have to know how the play the guitar, just grab the snares and something musical will come out ! Overall we just want to show that the SID stills produces an impressive sound and are still being used in new developments. Es ist nicht wirklich nötig, irgendwas von Gitarre zu verstehen. In die Seiten greifen reicht, es kracht immer sehr musikalisch. Was dabei rüber kommen soll, ist dass die SIDs heute noch geilen Sound machen bzw. dafür Interfaces gebaut werden.

Andrej Westermann Sa 15:00 / So 15:00 Gigatron Selbstbau TTL computer

Marcel zeigt seinen selbst entwickelten 8-bit Computer auf TTL Basis. Obwohl aus einfachste Bausteinen aufgebaut hat dieser Computer Videoausgabe und ein BASIC-interpreter. Dieses Projekt ist als Baupaket erhaltlich, siehe

Marcel van Kervinck Sa 16:00 / So 16:00 Silizium Planar Technologie

„Hinter der integrierten Schaltung steht ein Schweizer“. Ich würde gerne aufzeigen wie die Siliziumplanartechnologie erfunden wurde und wie man damit integrierte Schaltung bis heute produziert und auch einen Blick in die Zukunft wagen.

Robert Weiss So 12:00 Unibone

Jürg Hoppe zeigt wie eine modernes BeagleBone board benutzt wird um eine Brücke zwischen den UNIBUS der alten PDP11 und moderne Linux zu schaffen. Die Brücke verlauft in beide Richtungen. Das Beaglebone kann so PDP11-peripherie Devices emulieren, oder als UNIBUS hardware Testadapter gebraucht werden. Dieses Projekt kan hier verfolgt werden :

Jürg Hoppe So 13:00 Super-Nintendo

Sven taucht tief in den Innereien der Super-Nintendo console ein.

Sven Huerlimann So 14:00 PDP11-Hack

Peter Schranz beschreibt die Enstehungsgeschichte seines PDP11-Hack : ein neu entwickleter PDP11 auf Basis des J11-chip von DEC.

Peter Schranz So 15:00 16:00

Wiederholung der gestrigen Talks : siehe oben.

Vorträge 2017

Saturday and Sunday in parallel with the exhibition

Sat 13:00 Building bridges over 30 years of technological development

Marc describes his experiences on how to keep C64 and Amigas running, using newly developed hardware, finding spare parts and restoring machines.

He will demonstrate a C64 with a SD-card adaptor, the Commodore 64 SD2IEC Backpack. Marc will also report on his current project of connecting a current USB-mouse to an Amiga, by using an Arduino DUE.

Furthermore he will reflect on the problems facing computer restorers : fading EPROMS, leaky batteries and capacitors.

Time permitting we will discuss usage of FPGA.

Marc Schaffer

Sat 14:00 History of game consoles

The well known collector Robert Weiss talks about game console development.

His poster documenting the computer development will be for sale in the exhibit hall.

Robert Weiss

Sat 15:00 Logarithms as used in calculators

Stephan Schwarzmann discusses the development of the calculator, from the earliest beginnings until now.

Stephan Schwarzmann

Sat 16:00 - 18:00 Programming the 8008, 8080 and Z80 microprocessors

Neil Franklin talks about programming the 8008, 8080 and Z80 in machinecode and assembler.

Neil Franklin

So 13:00 Building bridges over 30 years of technological development

Marc describes his experiences on how to keep C64 and Amigas running, using newly developed hardware, finding spare parts and restoring machines.

He will demonstrate a C64 with a SD-card adaptor, the Commodore 64 SD2IEC Backpack. Marc will also report on his current project of connecting a current USB-mouse to an Amiga, by using an Arduino DUE.

Furthermore he will reflect on the problems facing computer restorers : fading EPROMS, leaky batteries and capacitors.

Time permitting we will discuss usage of FPGA.

(repeat of yesterdays talk).

Marc Schaffer

So 14:00 Basicode

Martin Bijl shows Basicode, a means of distributing home computer programs via radio and TV-channel.

Differences in BASIC-dialects were taken into account, such that programs could run on a multitude of home computers.

Martin Bijl

So 15:00 Super-Nintendo internals

Sven Heurlimann delves deep into the innards of the Super-Nintendo games console.

Sven Heurlimann
